Face This – Make teaching portable!

Building schools with t-shirts

Our mission is simple. We want to build schools with T-shirts. We design these T-shirts with drawings made by Indonesian elementary school students. The proceeds of these shirts go directly to these kids’ schools. So the wearer of the shirt knows exactly to which school his or her money is going. And this way the students also contribute to their own education. This is how we build schools with T-shirts: creative and transparent at the same time. You can find more information at facethis.nl 

No gray woolen socks. but hip cotton t-shirts

Nowadays, durability is no longer a novelty but rather a condition. So our shirts are sustainably manufactured and 100% cotton. They even have Max Havelaar and MADE-BY certificates. But ultimately it’s the prints with the children’s drawings that make our shirts so unique. Many celebrities also wear our Face This T-Shirts: from Giel Beelen to Georgina Verbaan and Daan Schuurmans to Egbert-Jan Weeber.

You can contribute too with unique t-shirts from your organization

Naast de reguliere T-shirtlijn voor mode- en maatschappelijk bewuste consumenten, ontwerpen we ook custom made T-shirts speciaal voor uw organisatie. Hierin verwerken we uiteraard tekeningen van Indonesische basisschoolleerlingen, maar ook het logo van uw organisatie komt hierin terecht. Hiermee heeft u een ultra hip T-shirt, dat door de aanwezigheid van uw logo een perfect relatiegeschenk vormt. De Hotelweek ging u al voor. We ontwierpen voor hen speciale T-shirts die zij in de hotelkamers van de Hotelweek verstopten. Vele gasten lag dus een aangename verrassing te wachten.

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